During that conversation the question was asked: “Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place in downtown Rogers where kids could take an art class?”

Almost two years ago the idea for Rogers Experimental House was hatched. This was a Saturday morning art walk downtown, it was a beautiful early June day, and there was a little girl, maybe 7 years old, drawing a dragon on the sidewalk with chalk — just steps from our current temporary location. It was a really nice dragon drawing, the girl had some chops for a 2nd grader, and it started a conversation among strangers.

During that conversation the question was asked: “Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place in downtown Rogers where kids could take an art class?” That question led to a meeting, and within six months Rogers Experimental House Inc. 501(c)(3), was a thing.

By July of 2017 we began creating programming in our amazing temporary home – 121 W. Walnut St, – and have hosted a variety of exhibitions, clinics, classes, and activities since. Hitting our stride in 2018, the old Elks Lodge has been more alive than it’s been in decades, thanks to the hard work and participation of a volunteer board, and contributing volunteers from throughout the five boroughs of Northwest Arkansas.

But back to that question: Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place in downtown Rogers where kids could take an art class? Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a place in downtown Rogers where adults could take an art class? Or a class all about beer, and brewing it at home?

It is nice. And it’s happening at Rogers Experimental House.

Check the calendar on our website. We have upcoming weekly art classes for kids, ranging from pre-school through 8th graders, plus a weekly art class for the high school set and grown-ups too. Beginning in March we have a four week class all about beer and brewing.

Yep. There is a place in downtown Rogers where a kid can take an art class, and much, much more.