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NW Arkansas Dance Ecosystem Development
About the NW Arkansas Dance Ecosystem Development project (NWADED) Project Purpose: Develop...
Students Impact Rogers Businesses Through Problem-Solving & New Ideas
Rogers High School Seniors Connecting Dots to Art & Music & Economic Development...
Love is good for the economy in Downtown Rogers
Love is good for the economy in Downtown Rogers Businesses serve up food, art, theater and...
Art of Awareness: Podcast Conversation with Facilitators Shawna Elliott and Nancy Kay
Art of Awareness is an art and wellness workshop designed to help you live a more fulfilled...
DATE: 8/28/18 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Michelle Hammarstrom 479-936-1738 |...
Art of Awareness Workshop
Contact: Shawna Elliott, [email protected], 469.684.7434 Art isn’t just for...
Wouldn’t it be nice? – Art Classes GALORE
During that conversation the question was asked: "Wouldn't it be nice if there were a place in...
Better Home Brewing Through Engineering, Science, and Making.
muBrew is a Rogers-based home brewing outfit, and they are setting up a laboratory and...
Rogers Experimental House is off to a great start!
July 2017 saw the first two public events at Rogers Experimental House. Our Open House and...
Support our crowdfunding campaign
Click here to support our crowdfunding campaign and get some nice...